

NOTE: The word “Parent” herein is meant to apply both to parents as well as guardians.


  1. Parents and guardians should be fully aware of the rules & regulations contained in the prospectus.
  2. Parents are requested to co-operate with the school authorities and help enforce the practice of neatness, discipline, regularity and punctuality in their wards.
  3. Parents are requested to help inculcate an attitude of politeness, courtesy, sense of cleanliness and civil manners in the behavior of their wards. Also parents must note that students are expected to uphold the moral and disciplinary standards of the school. A student committing a breach of discipline or morals will be liable to dismissal. Such a dismissed student will have her admission revoked forthwith. No request for re-admission will be entertained thereafter.
  4. Parents are requested to ensure that their wards reach school fifteen minutes before time. Late comers will not be allowed in the school. In the school parents leaving their children at the gate after the gate has been closed to the school will be doing so at their own risk.
  5. Parents should arrange to take their ward back home within thirty minutes after the school has given over. After this time the school shall not be responsible for the custody of their children.
  6. Parents should ensure that all the personal belongings of their wards such as blazers, pullovers, tiffin boxes, bags, belts, ties etc., are labeled and that their ward does not bring any valuable articles to school. The school shall not be responsible for any lost items.
  7. Parents should inspire and encourage their wards to participate actively in all extra-curricular and co-curricular activities of the school and to take all the examinations of the school seriously.
  8. Parents should ensure that their wards attend school regularly. An absence of a pupil on medical ground must be intimated by an application for leave from the parents. If a pupil continues to be absent without any application for more than a week, her name shall be struck-off the rolls without any notice. Re-admission will be subjected to rules for re-admission alongwith payment of re-admission fee.
  9. No leave for absence shall be granted during examination. Absence on medical grounds will be sanctioned provided the application is certified by a registered medical practitioner.
  10. No pupil, who has been found to be absent from the school on account of ailment of any infectious or communicable disease will be permitted on recovery to resume attendance at the school on recovery till she brings a certificate of fitness from a registered medical practitioner.
  11. Parents are requested to abstain from trying to meet any student or staff member during school hours without prior permission of the Principal.
  12. Parents are requested not to send for or call away their wards from the school once they have reported for attendance. Premature departure will be granted only in emergent cases and that too only under escort of the parent/guardian whose identities are in proper conformity with the school’s records and to the satisfaction of the Principal.
  13. Parents must ensure that their wards bring along their lunch-box and water bottles. No article of food or drink will be allowed to be delivered separately to the students during school hours.
  14. If a child is absent for a particular test, no retest will be given. Promotion will be granted on the basis of performance over the entire year’s work.
  15. In case of any change in address or telephone number it must be immediately notified to the school office in writing to enable the records to be updated appropriately.
  16. While corresponding with the school authorities, parents are requested to refer to the name of their wards, the class and the section for immediate and due action.
  17. Parents are requested to take active interest in the progress of their wards. They must put their signatures in the diary as and when required in order to acknowledge their cognizance of any information sent by the school authorities.
  18. Parents are requested to attend all the Parent-Teacher Meetings which are held from time to time in the interest of their wards and to extend full co-operation to teachers.
  19. The conduct of the parents or guardians in the school is expected to be understanding, courteous and polite. Any misconduct or misbehaviour tantamount to harassment will render the person concerned inadmissible for any future entry into the school premises thereafter.