

To bridge the gap between Parents and Teachers/School Authorities the school adapted the bulk SMS facility for information and communication. Parents are well informed about regular attendance, meetings, examination schedules and activities in school through SMS facility.



At UPKSSBV, the aim of E- learning is to help create an active learning environment with an effective blend of innovative class room and outdoor activities projects and multimedia.   The technology age has made its way into our class-rooms as well. It’s the time when our students relate more to computers and visual smart class rooms than to text books and traditional black-boards.

We at, UPKSSBV, do not just rely on multimedia because, for us, teaching is not only introducing multimedia along with traditional chalk and talk method. At UPKSSBV, we involve our students to actively participate in the process of learning through a variety of multisensory experiences



The school has its own fleet of CNG buses plying to various parts of the city. Accommodation in the school transport has to be applied for, in advance on a prescribed form. A student granted the usage of bus facility shall have to pay the bus fee for every term in the entire session not withstanding her discontinuation of usage of the bus facility in any term for any reason whatsoever.




  1. Since the school has English as the medium of instruction, students are encouraged and strongly urged to speak, converse and communicate in English.
  2. The wearing of school uniform is compulsory. Wearing of jewellery or bringing money or expensive articles and /or mobile phones etc. to school is prohibited. The school authorities shall not be responsible for losses of any such item.
  3. If at any instance, it is determined by the Principal that the conduct or performance of the student is in conflict with or adversely affecting the interests of the school, the enrolment of the student can be revoked with immediate effect and the decision of the Principal shall be final in this regard.
  4. Irregular attendance, insubordination to the teachers, habitual inattention towards school work, obstinacy in word & deed, willful and repeated breach of any school regulations are liable to constitute sufficient grounds for considering the expulsion of a student.
  5. It is essential that students attend the school on the first day of the session and on the first day of resumption of session after a long vacation. Absence will result in the student’s name being struck off the school rolls unless prior information explaining the absence on reasonable grounds has been given to the school.
  6. Any breach of discipline, regularity and other rules as well as damage done to school property shall invite disciplinary action by the Principal which may include imposition of a fine also.
  7. The employees of our school are not permitted to accept material gifts or invitations from any student.
  8. Our teachers are not permitted to undertake any private coaching or tuition of any student enrolled in this institution.