About Us


The school building is aesthetically designed in modern architecture and is most conducive to the growth of the explorative mind of young sprightly children. The well planned building in 3 blocks is equipped with modern amenities. The classrooms are spacious, well ventilated, attractive and comfortable. The laboratories and Library are spacious, well equipped and appropriately furnished.

The school also boasts of a large auditorium & 3 air conditioned computer lab with latest techniques, separate water coolers for all floors with an R.O. plant. In addition there is ample space for future expansion, efforts for which are under way.

About School
Our Mission & Vision
Aims & Objectives
About School 01

About School

The school is located in an open, healthy environment amidst beautifully landscaped surroundings of Tatya Tope Nagar, Kanpur. It is well connected by roads on all sides and caters to the educational needs of girls in the city. The school building is aesthetically designed in modern architecture and is most conducive to the growth of the explorative mind of young sprightly children.

Our Mission & Vision 02

Our Mission & Vision

Our school aims to promote academic excellence and to nurture a child’s mind , body and soul through holistic approach in order to foster the pursuit of genuine interests and passion in them that can be extended for the community service with the ethos of our school Motto-
To educate every girl of the society and to bestow her with the values of wisdom and spiritual ideals of the Indian culture and tradition yet with a modern outlook fit for a Global citizen. Each child should feel that education is a privilege and learning can be fun.

Aims & Objectives 03

Aims & Objectives

I) To provide an opportunity for education to students of all castes, religion and economic backgrounds with overall and integrated development of students without any discrimination.
II) To ensure holistic growth through a variety of mental and physical activities.
III) To foster an interdisciplinary approach and interdepartmental involvement in the educational program by bringing together staff and students into activity centers of mutual interest.


In keeping with the spirit and ethics of Indian culture- “Seva Paramodharma”  U.P. Kirana Seva Samiti came into existence in the year 1920, with the prime objective of serving the nation and promoting communal harmony amongst all religious groups. It started its manifold activities of quenching the thirsty lips by arranging and managing help in fetes, fairs and festivals and helping dependents of freedom fighters. The Samiti, forever ready to extend a helping hand, went on to provide adequate food and clothing to the needy. To help the ailing and suffering patients, it opened Aryuvedic and Homeopathic Charitable dispensaries and even arranged the last rites of abandoned corpses. These services to humanity were highly appreciated by the common man and the great leaders of our beloved country. In times of disasters, earthquakes and wide spread communal riots, it provided every help to the anguished without any discrimination.

All this was not enough. Further, the Samiti extended its activities to serve the basic needs of society and realizing that cultivation of literacy and education is one such need. It strove to establish  a school to spread out its thoughts and actions to the coming generation, And thus, was born U.P. Kirana Seva Samiti Vidyalaya in the year 1977. After establishing U.P. Kirana Seva Samiti Vidyalaya, The Samiti took another giant step by opening U.P. Kirana Seva Samiti Balika Vidyalaya (An exclusive Girls School) in the year 2013 at Tatya Tope Nagar, Kanpur.